Begin Testing for Asbestos
If you fear that materials in your home may contain harmful asbestos fibers, don’t delay. Have your suspect asbestos-containing material tested by our EPA approved, NVLAP accredited asbestos testing laboratory.
Follow the EPA sampling guide instructions, download a sample submission form, select the turnaround [TAT] that you would like your results, then send your sample[s] along with payment to the laboratory.
Send your samples for testing to:
EMSL Seattle
Testing Laboratory
3317 3rd Ave S, Suite D
Seattle, WA, 98134
Phone: (206) 269-6310
Fax: (206) 900-8789
Asbestos can be positively identified only with a special type of microscope. It is crucial to have materials tested by an accredited asbestos testing lab like EMSL for definitive analysis.
If you wish to use a different laboratory for your Asbestos Testing, click on the map to the right and mail samples to that Laboratory.