Health Effects of Pleural Plaques Caused by Exposure to Asbestos
Pleural plaques are spots of typically-calcified scar tissue that can be found on a person’s diaphragm or, in certain instances, on the ribcage. If you were frequently exposed to asbestos in your past, pleural plaques are the most likely asbestos-related issue to be diagnosed with. As with many asbestos-related health issues, most problems that result don’t typically appear until 20 years or more after initial exposure, making them difficult to diagnose.
Symptoms of Pleural Plaques
In many instances, pleural plaques are without symptom and the good news is that pleural plaques are benign and will not develop into cancer over time, but their symptoms can be somewhat problematic for patients -- symptoms and health effects of pleural plaques include:
Trouble Breathing - Do you give out out breath easily, even while completing simple tasks? Depending on their size, pleural plaques can restrict the amount of air your lungs are able to take in, limited your ability to exercise, and much more.
Chest Pain - Does your chest area feel tight? Do you experience any sustained pain? Typically, that pain can be even more pronounced when you cough, sneeze or breath deeply.
Pleural plaques should be taken seriously, because while by themselves, they don’t possess life-threatening potential, they could be an indicator of a larger problem, such as mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases.
It’s important that you receive the problem testing and guidance from a medical professional on how to best deal with a diagnosis.
EMSL Analytical, Inc. provides asbestos testing to clients throughout the United States in our laboratories. Consult with us today and get the results you need to protect your family, employees and guests.